Three years after “Profound Evil Presence“, Bazilian Black Metal band POWER FROM HELL, have announced the release of their new album, “Shadows Devouring Light”. The album will be out on September 30th via Debemur Morti Productions.
The band comments: “It took us more than two years to conceive ‘Shadows Devouring Light’. Everything was done calmly so that this album could be the most sincere expression of our current pessimistic view of the world around us. Musically speaking, the album displays a more extreme face of the band when compared to the last few years.This accounts especially for the more dissonant and complex riffs. Black Metal can take on many forms, and this album delivers just that – a more extreme sound that sometimes revisits classics from the past. As everyone can imagine, in the lyrics we also enter the dimensions of theological uncertainty and the increasing and exacerbated anguish of the human condition.”

The album was recorded at Gringhouse Studios in Rio De Janeiro in December 2021. Kleber Oliveira at Dark Paradise Recordings in Sao Paulo was responsible for the mixing and the mastering. The cover was designed by Chilean artist Rodrigo Pereira Salvatierra.
Aron Romero a.k.a Sodomic comments about the cover artwork: “The main idea of the image and concept behind the artwork is to show the ‘light’ of the Western world being corrupted and destroyed at the source, meaning as long as it (Christ) is still in the arms of his ‘mother’. We wanted to avoid the cliché idea of portraying the Nazarene as an adult man who suffers on the cross. Here the shadows prevent this ‘light’ from developing and spreading the ‘word’ in the future. It shows his downfall and annihilation shortly after birth. I would even say that this Art has a hint of Marquis de Sade if you observe the ecstasy in Mary’s expression and eyes. Even having to face the horror that surrounds her, she surrenders to sex, blood, heresy, blasphemy, and death – all basic concepts that you find in de Sade’s work. Rodrigo is a great artist. We talked a lot to reach this result, and we were very satisfied with his work.“
- Forsaken By The Father (Intro)
- Silence
- The Serpent’s Earthly Throne
- Shadows Devouring Light
- Primordial Impurity
- Mother Of Abominations
- Wings Of Perdition
- Eve’s Holy Vulva
- Adversary Of Creation
- Summoning the Abjection
You can listen to POWER FROM HELL’s latest album, “Profound Evil Presence” (2019), in the following video: