By Izabela Pajdo:

Welcome to the world where gods and myths cross paths with Heavy Metal! This column is our new venture, for which I am particularly excited as I declare myself an incurable lover of mythology.

Mythology and Metal are two meanings intertwined with each other, as there are many artists who are inspired by world mythology to create their own unique stories. True examples are the Scandinavian mythology and the Greek deities that have been a source of inspiration for countless musical groups. Mythology alone, evokes this feeling of the occult, of the mysterious past, that even though you know it is not made up of real people and events, you can’t help but feel awe and respect for it. It is no coincidence that all these myths have survived for centuries and are still actively studied.

Of course, we cannot overlook fiction and all the fantasy worlds we love so much written by Tolkien, Lovecraft, Michael Moorcock, G. R. R. Martin, Dan Watters and many others. The creation of myths and stories with themes such as magic, fantasy and heroes in the world of music, can refer to personal stories of the artists or to fairytales and myths conveyed through lyrics and music. All of these are often a source of inspiration for listeners and can create a world that enriches the imagination.
In this column we will mostly have the role of a narrator and less the one of a critic who bombards you with information and personal opinions. A song from the entire spectrum of Metal music will be chosen for analysis, as long as it has a certain connection with mythological elements or fantasy fiction. Then some information referring to the content of the lyrics will be given, and a story -good or bad- will come to surface (i.e. the myth to which the respective song refers). All of this, will be done in a comprehensive way, avoiding numerous words and over-extending phrases. This is something we can do in the comment section below the text, through the dialogue I hope to develop with all of you.

Follow us into this “parallel universe” where gods are head banging, musicians dress up as Vikings, while we chat around an imaginary campfire, trying to address the hidden meanings that flow through some of the most iconic songs and albums of all time…

Izabela P.

Valkyries (Blind Guardian)

Song: Valkyries Band: Blind Guardian Album: At the Edge of Time Release Year: 2010 Label: Nuclear Blast Having started our new “Mytho-Logic” column really strong with the song “Flight Of Icarus” of IRON MAIDEN, we continue at the same high…