Heretic – Gilgamesh

Year: 2023 Total Time: 50.55 Label: Tree House Records HERETIC is a Brazilian Progressive Metal band with oriental influences, based now in Portugal. They were founded in 2010 and since then they are very active in terms of recordings, since…

Sirenia – 1977

Year: 2023 Total Time: 49.00 Label: Napalm Records Since 2001 when Morten Veland’s MASTERS OF SIRENIA band emerged in the metal world, SIRENIA is one of the most consistent bands of Symphonic Metal. During their career, they release new albums…

Within Temptation – Bleed Out

Year: 2023 Total Time: 47.10 Label: Force Music Recordings If I was asked to name a band that is constantly evolving, I would definitely mention WITHIN TEMPTATION. They never stopped experimenting, seeking refuge to new musical paths, risking, losing and…

Ascending Olympus – Frontlines

Year: 2023 Total Time: 41.20 Label: Drakkar Productions ASCENDING OLYMPUS is a new modern Death Metal band created in 2019 just before the COVID-19 quarantine. They released their first full length album “Frontlines”, a few months ago. Its members are…

The Magus – Βυσσοδομώντας

The Magus - Βυσσοδομώντας Year: 2023 Total Time: 55.43 Label: Circle Music If a good beginning makes a good ending, then September made an impressive entrance for me since I had the pleasure to attend the pre-listening of the first…

Delain – Dark Waters

Year: 2023 Total Time: 1.38.00 Label: Napalm Records One of the most anticipated albums of the year so far was definitely the new DELAIN album, called “Dark Waters”, at least for fans of Symphonic Metal. The reason is the fact…

Icestorm – The Northern Crusades

Year: 2023 Total Time: 34.15 Label: Self-Financed If you think that Melodic Death Metal is a prerogative of Northern European people, you are mistaken! ICESTORM is here to prove you wrong with the fourth full length album called “The Northern…