Italy’s THE MODERN AGE SLAVERY are in the final steps of completing their work on their fourth studio album, called “1901 | The First Mother”, which will be released on the new founded label Fireflash Records (HOLY MOSES, MYSTIC CIRCLE, MEZZROW).
On “1901 | The First Mother” the five-piece lies somewhere on a vast spectrum of Blackened Deathcore and Aggressive Metal. Coming equipped with grinding blast beats, merciless brutal vocals and slaughtering rapid-fire double bass patterns their sound developed and became increasingly unique over time.

Vocalist Giovanni Berselli, comments: “We couldn’t be more excited to announce our signing to Fireflash Records! Since my first meeting with Markus Wosgien back in July, I felt a sincere sense of familiarity and mutual respect. I truly admire the amazing work he has done in the past with Nuclear Blast and for what he is doing with Atomic Fire Records. So, I do believe that signing with his new Fireflash record label is, first of all, a great great honor for us and it will allow to push THE MODERN AGE SLAVERY to a whole new level. We truly can’t wait to let you listen to our brand-new album due out in May.”
Markus Wosgien of Fireflash Records, adds: “I met Giovanni this summer, along with a mutual friend, and heard about his band, his ambitions and their history. Afterwards I listened to this monster of a new album, which was full of darkness, aggression and deep emotions. The band is super tight and their development into a more black direction completely mesmerized me. I felt this is the perfect mix of current BEHEMOTH and the dark side of THY ART IS MURDER – but totally unique and strong.”