Valkyries (Blind Guardian)

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Song: Valkyries
Band: Blind Guardian
Album: At the Edge of Time
Release Year: 2010
Label: Nuclear Blast

Having started our new “Mytho-Logic” column really strong with the song “Flight Of Icarus” of IRON MAIDEN, we continue at the same high level, moving on to another superb metal group, which has been loved by the Greek Metalheads but also by the Metal audience worldwide! We’re talking about the Germans BLIND GUARDIAN!

Choosing a song from the huge discography of the Germans was very difficult, as it is a band full of great songs that could easily be in this column. As a surprise, I chose “Valkyries” which is one of my favorite BLIND GUARDIAN songs. It is included in their ninth album “At The Edge of Time” released in 2010.

“Valkyries” is a song inspired by Norse mythology, focusing on the legendary Valkyries. These are mythical female entities who serve Odin, the main god of the Norse pantheon, in Asgard where Valhalla is located. While they themselves were not typically depicted on flying horses, they were often depicted as riding horses or as flying figures ready to perform their duties. The horses they rode on are not said to have wings or any special ability to fly on their own, but rather it was the Valkyries themselves who had the ability to traverse the skies, often riding their horses.

Their primary role was to select fallen warriors from the battlefield and bring them to Valhalla, the great hall of the fallen, where they would join the ranks of Odin’s warriors in preparation for Ragnarok, the final battle.

The Valkyries selected warriors who had shown bravery, prowess and skill in battle. They favored those who died in battle, especially those who died heroically and gloriously. These warriors were deemed worthy to join Odin’s army. It is believed that Valkyries had the ability to discern the souls of the fallen warriors on the battlefield, selecting those who met their standards and then escorting them to Valhalla. There the elite warriors spent their afterlife reveling and drinking while preparing for battle alongside Odin.

The surviving myths do not describe precisely the process by which the Valkyries chose warriors, leaving room for different interpretations and imagination. However, their role has a prominent aspect in Norse mythology, inspiring countless interpretations in literature, art and popular culture.

The myth of the Valkyries is deeply rooted in the Norse belief system, reflecting Norse concepts of honor, bravery and the warrior ethos, as well as their association with the warriors’ tragic path to battle and expected destruction.

The song “Valkyries” captures the essence of these wild and noble beings, depicting them as powerful and otherworldly entities that ride across the battlefield, choosing the bravest warriors to join the ranks of the chosen. The lyrics depict the Valkyries’ role in determining the fate of the fallen, as they soar through the skies, clad in armor and focusing their weapons with deadly precision.

Peter Nicolai Arbo (1831–1892), Åsgårdsreien (Åsgård’s Ride, The Wild Hunt) (1872), oil on canvas, 83.5 x 165.5 cm, Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo

Throughout BLIND GUARDIAN’s song there is a sense of reverence and awe for these creatures as they are portrayed as harbingers of death and guides to the afterlife. They are seen as divine messengers, who carry out Odin’s will and ensure that fallen heroes receive a place of honor in Valhalla.

In addition to depicting the Valkyries, the song also captures the atmosphere of the battlefield, with its epic and dramatic melodies highlighting the chaos and glory of war. Hansi Kurch’s dynamic rhythm and exceptional vocals further emphasize the heroic and mythic elements of the narrative, creating a sense of occult grandeur.

Through their music, BLIND GUARDIAN pays homage to the myth of the Valkyries and their vital role in the cycle of life and death in Norse cosmology. They glorify the epic and heroic aspects, while at the same time capturing the drama and intensity of battle. The song acts as a vivid and captivating interpretation of this ancient myth, highlighting the German band’s distinct talent for storytelling, as well as their ability to bring mythic worlds to life through music.

Related Link: BLIND GUARDIAN – Official Page
Text: Izabela Paido
Copyright © 2024 by THEGALLERY.GR

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