Live Report: Ulcerate, Prometheus (Kyttaro club, Athens, Greece – 14/10/2024)

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Live Show: Ulcerate, Prometheus
Place: Kyttaro club, Athens, Greece
Date: October 14th, 2024
Live Correspondent: Yiannis Pousios 

The night of Monday, October 14th, 2024, will likely be etched in the memory of those who attended Kyttaro club for a long time. The avant-garde/technical Death Metallers from New Zealand, ULCERATE, offered us a – dare I say – transcendental Metal experience, one that is becoming increasingly rare these days.

At 21:20, PROMETHEUS from Thessaloniki took the stage, a three-piece band I wasn’t personally familiar with, even though they’ve already released three albums. They delivered a 40-minute set, combining elements of Black and Death Metal with some dissonant touches, exuding brutality (mainly thanks to their vocals) and a certain dynamism in their performance. They had a very respectable sound and received positive reactions from the crowd, which had almost filled the venue. If I may offer a clearly personal remark, I think the addition of a second guitar could enhance the chaotic feel of the band’s style.

What we experienced an hour later, with the start of ULCERATE’s set and for the next 70 minutes, can only be described in one word: “captivating”. Firstly, the sound was impeccable, clear, and balanced, without reaching deafening levels, so we had the sense that we were hearing the band exactly as we should. But mainly because we felt that live, all the unique characteristics of ULCERATE’s style “unfold” in an ideal way, gaining new meaning, creating a cohesive overall result that absorbs you as a spectator and leaves you in awe.

The imposing, technically flawless performance of the three New Zealanders does not come across as “academic” on stage; on the contrary, you realize that it completely serves the atmosphere their music exudes. The setlist was exclusively based on their last two albums, which was somewhat expected since they reflect the “new”, somewhat more accessible musical style of the band, with the only exception being “Everything is Fire” (from the album of the same name), which closed the night, creating a sense of climax. (Personally, I would have liked to hear something from “The Destroyers of All”, but don’t mind my old man’s ramblings.)

In summary, I think all of us who were at Kyttaro club agree that what ULCERATE presented on stage, left us feeling like we witnessed something truly remarkable – a band in top form, at the right moment, while still at the peak of their creativity and momentum, proving they are one of the finest metal bands today. Lastly, it’s worth noting that the concert was very well organized, as the schedule was followed precisely, and nothing negative came to my attention.

Live Correspondent: Yiannis Pousios 
Translation/Rendering in English language: Vasso Kalogera
Design, Editing & Text Correction: Alexandros Soultatos
Photos: Sofia Bali
External Links: ULCERATE – Official Page
Copyright © 2024 THEGALLERY.GR

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