U.D.O. – Touchdown

You are currently viewing U.D.O. – Touchdown

Year: 2023
Total Time: 53.53
Label: Atomic Fire Records

New album for the band of the evergreen wolf from Wuppertal, Germany entitled “Touchdown”. What if Udo Dirkschneider has reached the age of 71, he is active and full of energy for records, concerts and everything that has to do with Heavy Metal. It can’t be different for a man who was there, almost from the very beginning when the foundations of the Heavy Metal scene were being built, putting also his effort to become what the music we love today is. Let’s see what’s happening in “Touchdown” album and write down some impressions about it…

What do we have here? Classic and quality Heavy Metal. UDO and quality are two identical concepts. Udo Dirkschneider knows the recipe better than any of us and all that remains is for him to have the energy and energy to work. In this album there is no lack of passion or energy. From the very first seconds you know that in the next minutes of the album, you will have a good time, wanting to open a couple of beers. Udo has been doing this for decades, since he was the voice of the legendary ACCEPT, so there is no room for doubt. Arrangements which you will think are the continuation of ACCEPT’s “Objection Overruled” album. You might say I’m exaggerating|… maybe yes, but the album is really worth it!! And how could it not,  when apart from Udo we have on the bass his former ACCEPT partner Peter Baltes, on drums the son of Dirkschneider and on the guitars Andrey Smirnov and Dee Dammers.

Thirteen tracks that none lasts more than needed in duration, without any boring parts that you want to skip. Riffs that you will definitely like. Solos that smell of original 80s Heavy Metal. Udo’s vocals are at a very good level….you don’t need anything else for a decent album. Maybe we would have liked a better cover, more Metal, for such an album than this one drab blue with the rugby ball. But we cannot have everything.

Songs like “Fight for the Right”, “The Betrayer”, “Isolation Man” are examples of pure Heavy Metal, not that the other tracks on the album are inferior to anything, but these songs they stand out for me. Make an effort and give this album at least one listen and I am sure that in the end you will be satisfied and sometime in the future I am even more sure you will play it again. Well done to Mr. Dirkschneider and his team for this remarkable work! See you soon General Udo in the Metal battlefields…

Rating: 7,5/10
Editor: Andreas Fytros
Related Link: U.D.O. – Official Page

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