Symphonic Death Metal project THY SHINING CURSE, has signed a worldwide record deal with ViciSolum Productions. The debut album “Theurgia” will be released on February 16th and a taste is offered in the form of the first single “Aesahaettr” that was released on December 1st via all digital platforms.
“Theurgia” is a collection of seven musical rites, revolving around a common thematic axis; transgressing the physical world. Theurgia stands for “divine work” in Greek and was developed as a term by the Neoplatonists. It describes a series of magical acts that aim to connect the human soul to a hierarchy of superior beings, leading up to the supreme being or so-called, “The One”.

THY SHINING CURSE is the solo musical project of a Death Metal initiate, Leonidas, with a primary focus on the practice of hierurgical artistry through symphonic methexis and hermetic imagery. Founded in 2021 in Pittsburgh, US, the band is dedicated to the vision of its founder, aiming to create an immersive mystical experience by invoking the archetypical instincts of man via powerful symbolism, following the principles of the Pythagorean tradition, the Eleusinian mysteries, Neoplatonism and Western Esotericism. The depiction of its members is purposefully avoided. Instead, two mysterious figures act as the band’s visual representatives, Celeus and Celeucis. Their purpose is to complement the auditory experience with a subliminal initiation to the visual language of symbols, acting as modern-day hierophants.
“Theurgia” track listing:
- Theurgia (Intro)
- Abyssaoth
- Aesahaettr
- Acephale
- Lenore
- Heptacletus
- Melmoth
You can listen to “Aesahaettr” in the following video: