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Explore the extreme

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Instead of Introduction:

The purpose of this column is not to describe pleasant Rock & Roll stories. It is not to divide. And, of course, not to change profoundly the flow of Rock & Roll history. The higher purpose is one and only: “Think what this man has to say…


 As the inspirer and the editor of the column “I Have A Band…. And Now What?” I will handle and present subjects that focus on the management and guidance of the living organism called “Band”. It is likely that some of those subjects might be already known to some of you or there may be issues that have never been written, analysed or discussed before. I will definitely try to cover as many of these issues as I can, plus any more that may surface in the course of our journey. Because, in the end, starting and maintaining a band is not a walk in the park…not at all! I am also committed, time permitting, to interact and answer to any comments or questions you may have, without trying to force my opinion on the presented subject to anyone.

I aspire to keep the frequency of the relevant articles posted as often as twice per month, every 15 days. I also aspire that anything written and commented herein will provide help and food for thought to some – many admittedly – people who struggle out there to make their dream of musical creativity and the promotion of their ideas, true. Because…we have bands. Musicians…a whole abundance of them! So, what? How do we manage all this? How do we get the ball rolling? What happens with promotion? What is the deal with the live shows inhouse and abroad? What is the crack with discography, labels, managers and sub-managers and promoter assistants? Too many subjects!

I would like to wholeheartedly thank “The Gallery” and its team for the hospitality, as well as you, for joining me on this journey. We have a lot to discuss on our way! And, as it seems…this will happen for the VERY FIRST time!

With endless appreciation,
Betinis Savvas

P.S.1. I very much enjoy, when I refer to someone, to speak in a second person perspective. I will do the same to every article that will follow. You see… I am not a teacher; I am just one of you that will try to address each one individually.

P.S.2. Needless to say, any suggestions for future topics are mostly welcome. 

P.S.3. Someone – whose eyes have seen a few thing – finally had to do this! …A Dirty Job But Somebody’s Gotta Do It!


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