ABIGOR announce the death of their guitarist and founding member, Peter Kubik.

You are currently viewing ABIGOR announce the death of their guitarist and founding member, Peter Kubik.

Austrian guitarist of the Black Metal titans ABIGOR, PK is dead by suicide. The note was released some minutes ago by the Official ABIGOR Page on Facebook.

The statement is the following:

“PK 1975 – 2024

immortal in his legacy – blood (family), soil (home) and monuments of Black Metal art. walked through the gate by his own hand, through his own will. More following during the next days. keep your respectful distance to the bereaved for now!

There is no more information about the incident and according to the band, we will learn more about what happened.

PK (real name Peter Kubik) was a founding member of ABIGOR. He also had played with bans such as AMESTIGON, BLACK FLAME and GRAB. He was married to the Swedish musician Lucia-Mariam Fåroutan-Kubik.

ABIGOR called it quits in 2003 but returned in 2006.

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